It's important to know where your CBD or Hemp Oil is grown and processed. One of the benefits of buying locally grown CBD is that local CBD contains a blend of pollen, which can strengthen a person immune system and reduce pollen allergy symptoms. Sankofa Wellness carries "The Green Toad" hemp farm products grown and processed in Metter, Georgia. We also carry flower grown in Alabama in which we

process our Sankofa pre-rolls. All of our products are third party tested to ensure the customer is getting exactly what the bottle's ingredients indicate.
We also believe in growing plants locally so that the community can be connected to the farmers in a real way. Talk to them, see them, ask personal questions.
"You are limited in what you can know, by what you know, even though, you may not know what you know". - Dr. Wade Noble
Sankofa Wellness Store Philosophy
The Sankofa Wellness philosophy in a phase is "PLANTS OVER PILLS". We believe in healing ourselves without all the side effects of traditional medicines. The ancient healing methods is the most effective and comes with less risk.
The oldest documentation of Hemp cultivation is a rope which is radio carbon date at 26,900 BCE.

The photo to your left is an ancient carving of Seshat, the goddess of wisdom, writing, and knowledge. The Kemetic Goddess is depicted with leaf over her head.
Hemp serves over 50,000 different uses and CBD is extracted from hemp leaves and flower. Hemp plants are mostly planted outdoors unlike marijuana plants, which are
often planted in green houses. The hemp plants that gets the moon light receive accelerating foliage growth because the gravitational power of the moon also pulls sap up into the leaves and flowers.
Sankofa Wellness Store is committed to serving the communities health and wellness needs. We provide the communities we serve with high quality CBD/HEMP products for the best price. Our goal is to share our knowledge with others to assist them in living a better quality of life.