What is CBN oil?
CBN oil is a cannabis cannabinoid suspended most often in MCT oil. Cannabinol (CBN) generally occurs in relatively low concentrations, even in aged cannabis. But manufacturers have worked out a method of isolating the compound to create products with higher ratios of CBN. Final products are typically formulated with other cannabinoids, namely CBD, and various synergistic terpenes in tincture or vape form.
While CBN is sometimes included in CBD products, it is usually found in trace amounts. If you want significant doses of cannabinol, take a look at the best CBN oils available right now, featured below. CBN is touted for helping to provide some of the best sleep imaginable. If you still want to learn more about CBN, check our guide at the bottom of the page.
What is CBN oil?
CBN oil is a cannabis cannabinoid suspended most often in MCT oil. Cannabinol (CBN) generally occurs in relatively low concentrations, even in aged cannabis. But manufacturers have worked out a method of isolating the compound to create products with higher ratios of CBN. Final products are typically formulated with other cannabinoids, namely CBD, and various synergistic terpenes in tincture or soft gel form.
While CBN is sometimes included in CBD products, it is usually found in trace amounts. CBN is touted for helping to provide some of the best sleep imaginable.
CBN may promote sleep indirectly through reducing psychological arousal (caused by sources of stress, pain, etc.) at bedtime. This is a very important factor in getting to sleep. For instance, there’s:
Evidence of CBN acting as an anti-inflammatory which means that, in some people, it could act to reduce pain and the associated psychological arousal.
Work that shows rodents are somewhat less sensitive to mechanical stimulation when treated with CBN
The possibility that it may ease opiate withdrawal symptoms...
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.